An at-a-glance overview of all your data processes


Monitor and manage the real-time health of all your data processes, and see details of any problems, so you can fix them quickly.


A control center for your data processes

With CloverDX you've got a centralized monitoring and management hub for all your data processes.

Get reassurance that things are running ok, or a quick indication of any issues that need attention – whether it’s a problem with an individual job, a wider business process, or an infrastructure issue.

You can drill down into specific failures to get more details, and you can also see full execution history of all your data jobs, so you know exactly what happened and when.

Monitors showing the status of different data processes

See details of each job

See full execution history of all CloverDX jobs - including the job status, the parameters used for a specific run, any errors or failures, and more - and view and download full logs.

And see exactly what happened with each job when it ran with Job Inspector, a visual representation of exactly what happened at runtime.

With Job Inspector you can see the number of records flowing through each component, inspect each component's configuration, and even see data flowing through the process, making it easy to see exactly where problems occurred and to dig down to debug issues.

Execution history of all data jobs

Get alerted to issues with every business process

Sometimes it's more useful to see data processes grouped together for a quick overview of how things are running.

With the Operations Dashboard you can create monitors for a group of processes, so you know that everything required for your entire invoicing process, for example, is running ok.

You can customize the Operations Dashboard to show what's important to your business, so you get an at-a-glance view of problems that need addressing. 

Read more in the CloverDX documentation:
Monitoring with the Operations Dashboard

See processes with issues in the Ops Dashboard

Saving hours of manual work with a control center for all of HR Insight’s data processes

HR SaaS software HR Insights, part of the HireRoad platform, has created a centralized, automated control center for all their data processes with CloverDX.

They’re now spending less time and manual effort on their core data tasks. The process is now more accurate, can be run on autopilot, and CloverDX enables everyone across the organization to get an instant view of what’s happening with their customers and their data processes.

Troubleshoot faster

As well as being able to quickly see an overview of any problems, you can drill down into specific failures to analyze and fix them.

Drill down into each monitor to see details of how many watched items are passing or failing, the alert level, and when it started failing.

And even if a problem has resolved itself, you get alerted and can see details of exactly what happened, so you never miss any important information.

Details of alerts and errors

A real-time view on your Server health

The Server dashboard shows you a snapshot of performance metrics such as status history, CPU utilization, number of running and queued jobs, and user access.

Report on Server metrics

Configure your alerts to see what's important

Create your own monitors and dashboards to show the state of processes for specific projects or teams.

You decide what constitutes an error that needs investigation, with customizable alert levels. For example, report:

  • Every time certain conditions are met
  • On a number of consecutive failures (e.g. 10 failures in a row)
  • On a % of failures during a specific time interval (e.g. if 50% of calls fail within a minute)

And configure an alert level for each trigger, so you can see critical issues fast.

As well as displaying errors on the Operations Dashboard, you can configure notifications via email for any issues, for fast resolution.

Read more in the CloverDX documentation:
Alerts and notifications

Alert configuration
"CloverDX enables the team to easily see what's happening in the data as it flows through the process"

 - Nachalle Kortrink, Manager, BI and Information Provision, Van Mossel Automotive Group

Integration with 3rd party monitoring

The CloverDX REST API provides access to, and information from, your CloverDX Server.

You can use the API to implement your own dashboard or to integrate with other monitoring solutions.



CloverDX Server REST APIs

Automate your data jobs

Automation is the key to saving time and minimizing manual effort and there are many ways to automate processes in CloverDX. 

You can kick off specific jobs, and perform other actions like sending emails or executing code. And CloverDX's orchestration abilities means that even complex processes can be run hands-off and unattended.

With CloverDX you can automate processes:

  • On a schedule: Have a job run every 5 minutes, every hour, every first day of the month, or whenever you need.
  • On a trigger: An event listener can watch for changes such as receiving a new Kafka message or a new files arriving on an FTP site, and have a CloverDX workflow automatically process incoming data.
  • Via API: Create endpoints to data jobs that collect and pass data to a CloverDX workflow.
Automate data jobs on a schedule

Request a CloverDX demo

If you want to find out more about how you monitor and manage your CloverDX data jobs, just fill in the form and we'll give you a call back to chat through your use case and arrange a good time for a personalized demo.