CloverDX® Software Support Policy

Version 1.4 , published April 5, 2023

This Software Support Policy (“Support Policy”) describes the policies and procedures under which CloverDX, a.s. (“CloverDX”) provides support services (“Support Services”) for its proprietary software product(s) (“Software”) to its customers (each, a “Customer”). Support Services are provided for the Software pursuant to the separate license agreement under which Customer has purchased Support Services (“License Agreement”) and are subject to the terms and conditions of that License Agreement and the terms of this Support Policy. Support Services are provided for the term specified herein, or for the period otherwise specified in the License Agreement.

Section 0 – Definitions

Major Releases (A.b.c) means generally commercially released major new releases, modifications or enhancements to the Software as designated by a change in the number to the left of the decimal in the version number. Major Releases are normally identified by the first number prior to the first decimal point. Major Releases do not include separate or different products marketed by CloverDX under a different name even if such products are compatible with the Software.

Minor Releases (a.B.c) are normally identified by the first number immediately following the first decimal point. For example, 3.2 is a Minor Release of 3.0. Minor releases usually include feature improvements, new functions and cumulative bug fixes.

Maintenance Releases (a.b.C) means generally commercially released code corrections, patches, updates of the Software as designated by a change in the number to the right of the second decimal in the version number. For example 3.2.2 is a Maintenance Release of 3.2.

Milestone Releases (a.b.c.Mx means generally commercially released code as a preview of the next Major/Minor Release. Milestone Releases are normally identified by the M(x) designation. For example 3.3 M1 is the first Milestone Release of Minor Release 3.3.

Supported Platforms CloverDX supports use of the Software only on the platforms specified in the documentation supplied by CloverDX with the Software. An updated list of Supported Platforms is provided in the manuals under chapter “System requirements.” The manuals are available on the web page:

Supported Software – CloverDX Designer, CloverDX Server, CloverDX Cluster, CloverDX Wrangler (previously CloverETL Designer, CloverETL Server, CloverETL Cluster)

Maintained Software - Maintained Software is available for sale and is fully supported in the Supported Platforms from the date upon which a product becomes Maintained Software, until the date it becomes Retired Software. Every Major Release or Minor Release has defined a release date from which the time is counted. Maintenance Releases do not change the timing.

Retired Software - Retired Software is not available for general sale and will be available for download. Ticket-based support is provided for Retired software. However, CloverDX will no longer provide feature developments or product enhancements for Retired Software. Support lasting depends on the support plan selected.

End of Life Software - CloverDX may cease support for Retired Software after 12 (twelve) months from it has become Retired Software. CloverDX shall keep an up‐to‐date list of supported versions and make end of life (or end‐of‐support) announcements in the Customer Portal. End of Life Software may be available for download.

Support Plan – Set of Support Services and arrangements which Customer selected at the time of purchase or in the time of Renewal. For details, please see Section 4 – Support services overview.

Customer Portal is CloverDX’s online web‐based customer portal located at

Renewal - Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Customer and CloverDX, Support Services will commence on the date of electronic delivery of the Software and will continue thereafter for an initial support term of one (1) year. Thereafter, Support Services shall be renewed upon CloverDX’s receipt of applicable payment from Customer. All terms and conditions hereof shall remain in effect during each one‐year support term.

Targeted Response Time - means the targeted time between the receipt of the Incident Report via the Customer Portal in accordance with this support policy and the first communication of a member of the CloverDX Support with the customer by e-mail or phone taking into account the availability periods for the contracted support service level.

Targeted Resolution Time - means the targeted time within which CloverDX Support will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide a workaround or error correction. This time excludes waiting time for Customer’s response.

Section 1 – Overview

1.1 Support Services are provided via the Customer Portal, and additional methods as indicated on the Support Policy. This Support Policy sets forth expectations for Support between the Customer organization and CloverDX’s Customer Support organization, including:

  1. Who is authorized to submit issues

  2. How to submit issues

  3. What types of issues are supported

  4. How and when CloverDX resolves and closes reported issues

Section 2 – Scope

2.1 What Support Services Include

If Customer is current on its payment for its Support Services, CloverDX shall provide Customer with Support Services consisting of the following:

  1. Web‐based submissions of Incidents (as defined below) submitted by up to the number of designated Contacts (as defined below) as specified on the Support Policy.

  2. Major Releases, Minor Releases, and Maintenance Releases of the Software.

  3. Documentation and User’s Guide distributed with the software and found on CloverDX’s website.

  4. Provision of guidance and troubleshooting to Customer in connection with questions and issues arising from the following Customer activities with respect to the Software:

    1. Installation: Support for installation includes providing guidance and troubleshooting in connection with Customer’s downloading and installing of the Software.

    2. Configuration Issues: Support for configuration includes troubleshooting Customer’s configuration settings for existing installations on Supported Platforms (as defined below) to ensure proper operation and connectivity.

    3. Usage: CloverDX’s qualified personnel can provide understanding in regard to Customer’s "how to" questions related to standard and intended Software usage.


2.2 Upgrades

Support Services may include new versions of the Software, when and if made commercially available by CloverDX (Major Release, Minor Release or Maintenance Release). If CloverDX labels the new version of the Software as an upgrade or update to Software previously licensed to you ("Previous Version"), Customer may replace the Previous Version (including all installed copies) with the new version.

2.3 Efforts to Correct the Software

CloverDX shall make commercially reasonable efforts to correct bugs or other errors in the Software. Customer acknowledges that CloverDX is not required to correct every or any bug, error, or problem with the Software that it reports to CloverDX or of which CloverDX is otherwise made aware. Bugs are not corrected for Software declared as Retired or End of Life.

2.4 Support Exclusions

The following are excluded from CloverDX’s Support Services obligations:

  1. Software that is used on or in conjunction with hardware or software other than as specified in the applicable documentation.

  2. Altered or modified Software, unless altered or modified by CloverDX.

  3. Defects in the Software due to accident, hardware malfunction, abuse or improper use.

  4. Any version of the Software for which Support Services have been discontinued by CloverDX and/or version of the Software that has become End of Life Software.

  5. Free and Open Source Software distributed by CloverDX or other Software provided at no charge.

  6. Any Software sold separately by CloverDX, including, without limitation, consulting code, unless generally made available to CloverDX’s customers at no additional charge for the Software.

  7. Training, customization, integration and any issues arising from non‐standard usage of the Software.

  8. CloverDX Libraries developed & published by CloverDX.
    Note: CloverDX Libraries are supported on best-effort basis outside of Support Services obligations. You may contact CloverDX through standard support channels, however support request regarding a CloverDX Library will be handled separately – not subject to standard prioritization or support plan.

  9. Any on-site services or remote access services (unless CloverDX requests remote access to assist CloverDX in understanding an issue).

2.5 Additional Services.

CloverDX separately offers a range of fee‐based professional services to address issues related to:

  1. Onsite product training

  2. Installation services

  3. Implementation and Integrations

  4. Data Architecture

  5. Performance tuning and Optimization

  6. Template, Graph or Library design

  7. Process improvements

  8. Other issues which CloverDX advises Customer fall outside the scope of Support Services

2.6 Software Versions Supported

  1. Supported Versions: CloverDX will provide Support Services only for the version(s) of the Software specified in the Support Policy or as specified at the time of purchase. Changes to supported versions shall be announced on the Customer Portal. CloverDX’s Support Services obligations apply to the Maintained Software.

  2. Supporting services do not cover hardware, operating systems, networks, or third‐party software. Customer understands that CloverDX may need additional information as to its use of the Software in order to provide Support Services, and to upgrade the Software.

  3. Milestone Releases: Milestones represent a preview of the next Major or Minor Release and are not intended for production usage. As such support is only offered until the next Milestone or Major or Minor release of which the Milestone is a subset.

Section 3 – Process

3.1 Customer shall obtain Support Services by reporting individual issues to CloverDX. Each individual issue reported to CloverDX shall be tracked from initial report through final resolution (each such issue, an “Incident”).

3.2 Submission

Who May Submit Incidents.

Support Services are intended to provide assistance to individuals for issues and questions beyond what is covered in documentation and introductory material provided with the Software. Customers are expected to make every effort to ensure that the individuals that are designated as authorized contacts are qualified to support the Customer teams internally. To be qualified, these individuals should know the internal build systems, tools, policies, and practices in use by the Customer, and they should also be proficient users of the Software. Each such qualified contact is a “Contact”. Customer shall be entitled to designate the number of Contacts specified in the Support Policy as authorized to submit support Incidents. Customer may designate at least one authorized Contact at time of purchase, unless otherwise specified, who will be the person registering the license. That individual may submit change requests to the list of authorized support Contacts in writing through the channel(s) specified for the plan selected.

How to Submit Incidents.

Incidents are to be submitted to CloverDX by a Contact through the Customer Portal unless otherwise specified in the specific support plan in the Support Policy. The Support Policy specifies which communication channels are available for each plan offered.

How to Report an Incident.

In order to expedite the resolution of Incidents, CloverDX expects that Customer will make every attempt possible to:

  1. Verify that the Incident is reproducible on the Supported Platforms for the Software (as applicable).

  2. Provide information necessary to help CloverDX track, prioritize, reproduce, or investigate the Incident, such as: Customer name, organization, version of Software, and license number.

  3. Provide a full description of the issue and expected results.

  4. Categorize issues (general question, defect, enhancement request, etc.).

  5. List steps to reproduce the issue and relevant data.

  6. Provide any applicable log files or console output.

  7. Provide exact wording of all issue‐related error messages.

  8. Describe any special circumstances surrounding the discovery of the issue, e.g., first occurrence or occurrence after a specific event, Customer’s business impact of problem, and suggested priority for resolution.

  9. Identify Incident number (i.e. support ticket number) in any ongoing communications with CloverDX on an existing Incident.

3.3 Support Response and Incident Resolution

For each Incident reported by Customer in accordance with these procedures, CloverDX shall:

  1. Confirm receipt of the reported Incident within the acknowledgement time specified in the Support Policy.

  2. Set a Priority Level for the Incident in accordance with the terms below. Customer designated priority is taken into account, but CloverDX may elect to reassign priority at any time.

  3. Respond to the Incident within the time specified in the Support Policy. Within the Response Time CloverDX gives a proposal for solution based on initial information obtained.

  4. Analyze the Incident and, as applicable, verify the existence of the problem(s) resulting in the Incident, which may include requesting that Customer provide additional information, logs, and re‐execution of commands to help identify the root cause and dependencies of the reported issue.

  5. Give Customer direction and assistance in resolving the Incident.

  6. Keep a record of ongoing communications with Customer.

  7. Use reasonable commercial efforts to resolve the Incident in accordance with the target response times set forth in the Support Policy.

3.4 Prioritization

CloverDX will prioritize Incidents according to the following criteria:

Severity Summary Description
URGENT Software is absolutely unusable Support Cases are the highest priority and receive first attention. Production system outage, severe issue impacting customer’s CloverDX solution, critical security issue. Urgent Support Case means that the Software is completely inoperable and inaccessible to 100% of the Customer’s users. Note:CloverDX Wrangler incidents are excluded from being classified at URGENT level.
HIGH Use of the software is strongly impaired Core functionality impaired in production or significant performance degradation, high security issue. Support Cases are when the Software has severely impacted the performance of its intended use and is causing a material and adverse impact for a majority of the users; or, the Software is materially not operating within the documented functionality and it is impacting a majority of the Customer’s users.
NORMAL Use of the software is limited Moderate impact on usage but product remains functional, non-production outage impacting critical milestone, issues discovered in design development or upgrade process Support Cases are when the use of the Software has impacted the performance of some of the users, or the Software is not operating within the documented functionality and it is impacting some of the Customer’s users.
LOW Use of the software is slightly limited OR Change request or suggestion Minor, cosmetic or documentation-related issues and enhancements requests. Support Cases are standard request for assistance and may include questions of how to use the Software. It also includes change request and suggestions. Support Cases are when the Software is operating within the documented guidelines and the Customer would like to record an idea for inclusion in future releases. CloverDX will not provide feedback on enhancement requests. Low priority Support Cases are closed once the information has been recorded.


3.5 Resolution and Closure

  1. Incidents shall be closed in the following manner: For solvable issues, depending on the nature of the issue, the resolution may take the form of an explanation, recommendation, usage instructions, workaround instructions, or advising Customer of an available software fix.

  2. In the event that custom or unsupported plug‐ins or modules are used, CloverDX may ask, in the course of attempting to resolve the issue, that the Customer removes any unsupported plug‐ins or modules. If the problem disappears upon removal of an unsupported plug‐in or module, then CloverDX may consider the issue to be resolved.

  3. For issues outside of scope of Support Services, CloverDX may also close issues by identifying the Incident as outside the scope of the Support Services or arising from a version, platform, or usage case which is excluded from the Support Policy.

  4. Dropped Issues, CloverDX will consider an open case dropped if the Contact has not responded to two (2) attempts or more made by CloverDX to collect additional information required to solve the case. If CloverDX has contacted the Contact twice and there has been no response, the case may be closed by the CloverDX. If there is significant delay, 5 business days or more, in a response from the Contact CloverDX may close the case.

  5. Customer acknowledges that it may be necessary to update the installed version of the software to a new version in case CloverDX decides to resolve the issue in this new version.

Section 4 – Support services overview


  Support plan
Service Standard Enhanced
Hours of operation 8:00 – 22:00 UTC 24/7
Targeted response time 2 business days

Based on severity:
Urgent   8 hours
High   1 Day (24 hours)
Normal   2 Days (48 hours)
Low   2 Days (48 hours)
Targeted resolution time Best effort Based on severity:
Urgent   2 Days (48 hours)
High   Best effort
Normal   Best effort
Low   Best effort
Custom code debugging CTL yes, Java no CTL yes, Java no
Retired 12 months from release 12 months from release
End Of Life 24 months from release 24 months from release