Eric, CTO at Porch
  • 130 million household projects and 3+ million trade professional records
  • CloverDX used to build a Master Data Management system
  • CloverCARE provides exceptional support and was a major factor in product selection
James, IT Coordinator at NDP
  • 300 databases, 13 membership lists and tens of millions of records of generic population data
  • CloverDX used to handle matching, merging and deduplication of data from all the sources
  • This enabled NDP to focus on using their data rather than spending time processing it
From late nights to hands-off automation: Sisk Fulfillment Service’s data transformation with CloverDX From late nights to hands-off automation for Sisk Fulfillment Service Sisk Fulfillment Service Sisk Fulfillment Service handles millions of shipments a year, but the process for dealing with customer orders had been labor-intensive and had led to late-night working. But automating those data processes with CloverDX has meant faster order handling, fewer errors, and no more late nights. Read full story
Enabling data integration across the rapidly expanding Van Mossel Automotive Group Enabling data integration across Van Mossel Automotive Group Van Mossel Automotive Group The largest automotive company in the Benelux is rapidly expanding, and CloverDX is enabling centralized data integration across the business, with automated standardization, transformation and ingestion of data from multiple sources. Read full story
How Zywave freed up engineer time by up to a third with data automation Freeing up engineer time with data automation Zywave Instead of time-consuming manual tasks, engineers can now push a button and trust the process is going to work - freeing up significant time and cutting customer onboarding time. Read full story
Saving hours of manual work with a control center for all of HR Insight’s data processes A centralized, automated control center HireRoad HR SaaS software HR Insights, part of HireRoad’s cloud-based talent management and insights platform, has created a centralized, automated control center for all their data processes with CloverDX - saving them huge amounts of time. Read full story
Automated healthcare data ingestion for Diameter Health Automated healthcare data ingestion for Diameter Health Diameter Health Diameter Health use CloverDX to automate ingest of HL7v2 data to onboard customers faster to their platform Read full story
How Ortec Finance reduced repetitive manual data processes by up to 90% with CloverDX Reducing manual data processes by up to 90% Ortec Finance Ortec Finance automated the process of preparing client reports - a process that used to take 4 or 5 days, but now takes just half a day or less, with the system being run at just the click of a button. Read full story
How Milo Retail handles ingestion of client data with ease Hassle-free ingestion of client data for Milo Retail Milo Retail Milo Retail use CloverDX to handle ingest of multiple different types of client data, so they can onboard clients quickly and scale and deploy solutions easily. Read full story
How Gain Theory streamlined ingest of thousands of data feeds How Gain Theory streamlined ingest of thousands of data feeds Gain Theory Gain Theory were dealing with thousands of customer data feeds that they needed to ingest and standardize. CloverDX helped streamline and speed up the process, making customer onboarding faster. Read full story
Solving More Data Problems than Expected with CloverDX Solving More Data Problems Than Expected Health Research Inc. Health Research Inc. made day-to-day data processing and integration easier, faster and more accurate with CloverDX - making working with multiple file formats simple. Read full story
From Manual Excel to Automated Data Integration From Manual Excel to Automated Data Integration Capstone Headwaters Going from manually consolidating Excel spreadsheets to using CloverDX has given more efficient data processes, better visibility and more accurate data tracking. Read full story
E-Commerce Company Optimizes Marketing Through Improved Data Processing Optimizing Marketing Through Improved Data Processing uSell uSell used CloverDX to create a data warehouse that integrated billions of records of web traffic with other systems for better visibility into the effectiveness of marketing channels. Read full story
Reducing Salesforce Data Loading Time From 12 Hours to 41 Minutes Reducing Data Loading Time From 12 Hours to 41 Minutes With tens of millions of records being processed daily, this financial firm reduced the Salesforce data loading time, minimized errors and can now onboard customers more quickly. Read full story
Data Integration Automation Recoups 6 Days of Work Per Month Data Integration Automation Recoups 6 Days of Work Per Month Manually consolidating invoices in different formats was taking staff 6 days every month. Automating this process saved time, reduced errors and reduced costs by 40%. Read full story
Identifying Revenue Leaks Through A Unified View of Data Identifying Revenue Leaks Through A Unified View of Data Building a data warehouse and error-handling solution enabled this company to see information from across the business, fix revenue leaks and find data inconsistencies. Read full story
Data Helps Canada's NDP Know Potential Voters Data Helps Understand Potential Voters NDP Political party NDP needed to match and merge data from hundreds of databases. CloverDX helped them integrate data sources, clean data and migrate. Read full story
UK's Largest Mobile Operator Disrupts Approach to Data Warehouse Projects Agile Approach to Data Warehouse Projects EE UK Taking in data from a variety of sources, and pushing it to a visualization solution for reporting, brings faster - and better - business insights for EE UK. Read full story
A Scalable Solution for YPoint Analytics Clients' Data Needs Scalable Solution for Client Data Needs YPoint Analytics YPoint needed a solution that could process and integrate vast amounts of client data, working with different systems and data formats. Read full story
Marketing Strategy Meets Data Science Marketing Strategy Meets Data Science Customology CloverDX enables a platform that not only standardizes and transforms incoming data but also allows Customology to augment with their own expertise. Read full story
Data Warehouse Supports Marketing Initiatives Data Warehouse Supports Marketing Initiatives A data warehouse consolidates data for better business insight, with reports automatically generated and distributed, enabling proactive decision making. Read full story
CloverDX Powers GoodData's CloudConnect Platform Powering GoodData's CloudConnect Platform GoodData Build or buy a data integration solution? GoodData opted to work with CloverDX, transforming the data loading experience for their customers. Read full story