CloverDX Customer Success Stories

Integrating and Processing Data at Scale for Porch

Written by CloverDX | Sep 30, 2019 8:59:00 AM

Porch works with a very extensive range of data from contractors, locations, licenses and work history, to home valuation data. CloverDX is an integral part of how Porch is able to process very large volumes of data from an always increasing range of sources, resulting in an ever higher quality user experience.

For, working with the CloverDX team and having a direct path to technical insight and know-how was a major deciding factor. "The CloverDX team is highly responsive to our needs as an organization. I know that if I need help or support, I can quickly get access to people with deep knowledge of the product" said Eric Schleicher, CTO and Co-Founder of Porch.

"The flexibility of an integration tool was something that was very, very important to us"

Eric Schleicher, CTO and Co-Founder of Porch
  • 130 million household projects
  • 3+ million trade professional records
  • CloverDX used to build a Master Data Management system
  • CEO had used CloverDX in previous company
  • The support provided by CloverCARE was a major factor in product selection
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